Looking for information about BALDWIN PIANO CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.

Baldwin Piano Company - The Baldwin Legacy

    The Baldwin Legacy. Baldwin is about more than pianos—it’s about peerless quality and the absolute best-sounding and best-playing pianos anywhere. The company got its start in 1862, when beloved Cincinnati-based piano teacher Dwight Hamilton Baldwin launched a Decker Brothers piano dealership.

History - Baldwin Piano Company

    Baldwin purchases a brick building on Gilbert Avenue in Cincinnati. This location is subsequently expanded to become the company's manufacturing and corporate headquarters. 1895. The first Baldwin grand piano (scale G, 5'4" in length), designed by John Macy, is introduced. 1899. D.H. Baldwin dies. 1900

Baldwin Piano Company MyCompanies Wiki Fandom

    The Baldwin Piano Company was founded in 1862 by Dwight H. Baldwin in Cincinnati, Ohio. Its industry was pianos and its headquarters were in Cincinnati, Ohio (1862-1986), Loveland, Ohio (1986-2001) and Nashville, Tennessee (2001-present). It merged with the United Corporation in 1977. During the 1980s the company went bankrupt but remerged in 1986 until being sold to an investment group …

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