Looking for information about CORPORATE BUSINESSMAN HAS TWO CUBES HIS OFFICE DESK? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.

Number on a cube - calandar cube puzzle Puzzle Fry

    A corporate businessman has two cubes on his office desk. Every day he arranges both cubes so that the front faces show the current day of the month. What numbers are on the faces of the cubes to allow this? Note: You can’t represent the day “7” with a single cube with a side that says 7 on it. You have to use both cubes all the …Estimated Reading Time: 3 mins

a tough one - social.microsoft.com

    Jan 30, 2009 · A corporate businessman has two cubes on his office desk. Every day he arranges both cubes so that the front faces show the current day of the month.

Easy Logic Puzzles

    6. The Cubes . A corporate businessman has two cubes on his office desk. Every day he arranges both cubes so that the front faces show the current day of the month. What numbers are on the faces of the cubes to allow this? Note: You can't represent the day "7" with a single cube with a side that says 7 on it. You have to use both cubes all the time.

The Weekly Riddle: May 2010

    May 19, 2010 · A corporate businessman has two cubes on his office desk. Every day he arranges both cubes so that the front faces show the current day of the month. What numbers are on the faces of the cubes to allow this? Note: You can't represent the day "7" with a single cube with a side that says 7 on it. You have to use both cubes all the time.

[ wu :: riddles(hard) ]

    a corporate business man has two cubes on his office desk. every day he arranges both cubes so that the front faces show the current day of the month. what numbers are on the faces of the cubes to allow this? Note: You can't represent the day "7" with a single cube with a side that says 7 on it. You have to use both cubes all the time.

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