Looking for information about GREEN PARTY HEADQUARTERS OTTAWA? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.

Offices - Green Party of Canada

    Green Party of Canada 812-116 Albert Street Ottawa, ON K1P 5G3 . Member of Parliament - Hill Office. Elizabeth May Confederation Building, Room 518 229 Wellington St Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6. Paul Manly House of Commons Ottawa, ON K1A 0A6. Member of Parliament - Riding Office. Elizabeth May 1-9711 Fourth St Sidney, BC V8L 2Y8. Paul Manly 103 - 495 ...

Green Party Headquarters Ottawa

    Location: National Party Headquarters, Ottawa The Green Party of Canada is seeking a highly-motivated, energetic individual to fill the position of Communications Director. The Communications Director leads the communications team and works strategically with the Leader and National Campaign Manager to develop and implement an organizational ...

Green Party - Overview, News & Competitors ZoomInfo.com

    Green Party’s headquarters are in 812-116 Albert St, Ottawa, Ontario, K1P 5G3, Canada What is Green Party’s phone number? Green Party’s phone number is (613) 562-4916Employees: 18K

Communications Director - Green Party of Canada

    Oct 01, 2017 · Location: National Party Headquarters, Ottawa The Green Party of Canada is seeking a highly-motivated, energetic individual to fill the position of Communications Director. The Communications Director leads the communications team and works strategically with the Leader and National Campaign Manager to develop and implement an organizational ...

Green Party of Canada

    The Green Party of Canada is working to build a more prosperous and sustainable future for all Canadians. Vote for a Canada that works, together.

Kanata-Carleton Green Party

    The Ottawa-Area Green Party riding associations organized a series of webinars with each of the candidates in the Green Party of Canada leadership contest. If you missed them, or want to rewatch, you can find them all lhere.

Staff - Interim Executive Director - Green Party

    Feb 17, 2017 · The Green Party of Canada is seeking a highly-motivated, energetic individual to fill the position of interim Executive Director. The interim Executive Director is responsible for the operations of the Party, including staff management, annual planning and budgeting, campaign support, fundraising, membership development and services, financial management, communications and board support ...

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