Looking for information about INTERGRAPH EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS EHQ? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.


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Intergraph Corporate Headquarters - HPM

    Although Intergraph is responsible for cutting-edge technology in its products, its former headquarters — on a sprawling campus, with few windows — hardly reflected the company’s modern mission. When Intergraph was acquired by a Swedish company in 2010, one the new chairman’s first acts was to request a new headquarters worthy of the brilliant minds […]Estimated Reading Time: 1 min

Intergraph/Hexagon Headquarters - Schoel Engineering

    Intergraph/Hexagon Headquarters Huntsville, Alabama. This project is located on the outskirts of Huntsville and provides services in software and technology.


    Intergraph is now part of Hexagon. Visit us at the following websites: Hexagon ; Hexagon's PPM division ; Hexagon's Safety & Infrastructure division

Home [www.intergraf.eu]

    Intergraf is the trade association promoting and protecting the interests of the graphic industry at European level. We represent 20 member federations from 19 countries in Europe. Our members are national printing federations who represent the sector in their national contexts. Intergraf's main task is to work with our members and the European ...

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