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Napoleon's imperial headquarters (1): organization and ...

    Napoleon’s imperial headquarters (1): organization and personnel. The 'military machine' by which Napoleon and his indispensable chief of staff Marshal Berthier commanded and controlled his huge armies on campaign numbered some 1,500 officers and men, organized in the different bureaux of his military and civilian 'households' and the army ...Estimated Reading Time: 30 secs

Napoleon’s Imperial Headquarters (2): On campaign (Elite ...

    He is the author of the monumental The Red Lancers: Anatomy of a Napoleonic Regiment (Crowood Press, 1998), and of a study of Napoleonic veterans' tombs in Belgium. He has written extensively for Osprey, including Men-at-Arms 378 Napoleon's Guards of Honour, and Elite 115, Napoleon's Imperial Headquarters (1): Organization & Personnel.4.9/5(9)

Napoleon's Imperial Headquarters (2): On campaign (Elite ...

    From the publishers:Following Elite 115 – which described the composition of Napoleon's military and civil 'households', and Marshal Berthier's army general headquarters – this title offers an intimate glimpse of the Emperor's entourage in the field. Centred on the Waterloo campaign in 1815, it draws comparisons with his earlier triumphs.

Napoleon’s Imperial Headquarters (2) - Osprey Publishing

    Following Elite 115 - which described the composition of Napoleon's military and civil 'households', and Marshal Berthier's army general headquarters - this title offers an intimate glimpse of the Emperor's entourage in the field. Centred on the Waterloo campaign in …

Napoleon's Imperial Headquarters (1): Organization and ...

    Apr 20, 2012 · The 'military machine' by which Napoleon and his indispensable chief of staff Marshal Berthier commanded and controlled his huge armies on campaign numbered some 1,500 officers and men, organized in the different bureaux of his military and civilian 'households' and the army general headquarters.Author: Ronald Pawly

Napoleon’s Imperial Headquarters (1) - Osprey Publishing

    The 'military machine' by which Napoleon and his indispensable chief of staff Marshal Berthier commanded and controlled his huge armies on campaign numbered some 1,500 officers and men, organized in the different bureaux of his military and civilian 'households' and the army general headquarters. This essential tool of the Emperor's power was designed to provide him, even in a …

Napoleon’s Imperial Headquarters (1): Organization and ...

    Aug 20, 2004 · First part of two part series, this one focussing on the growth and zenith of Napoleon’s headquarters. I bought this to get a better idea of the organisation the imperial household so I could get an idea who was who among the memoirists of the 1815 campaign like Flahaut, de Montesquiou, Mameluke Ali and Fain.2.2/5

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