Looking for information about PHILMONT CAMPING HEADQUARTERS MAP? Follow the links below to find all the information you are interested in. Addresses, telephones, emails, working hours and other useful information.

Camping Headquarters (Base Camp) - Philmont Scout Ranch

    The mail room is the Headquarters Service Building. Incoming mail may be picked up only by your expedition adviser when your crew arrives at Philmont and when you return to Camping Headquarters from the trail. You may send mail from any staffed camp. Trek participants’ address at Philmont is: Your Name + Expedition Number 47 Caballo RoadEstimated Reading Time: 2 mins

Boy Scouts of America Prepared. For Life.™

    Philmont Camping Headquarters Disc Golf Course Christian/Protèstant Staff Parking Medical Råcheck Infirmary Medicbt Dorr* Infirmary Pavilion Basketball Cóurt Volleybåll Coürts Staff Dorm- Staff Fitnes's Center Recyc ing ëenter Nelson Res. 'Hardesty Casa Central CHQ Office PSA @ffice To Philmont …

Camping Headquarters Philwiki Fandom

    Camping Headquarters, often shortened as CHQ, occupies much of Philmont Base Camp. Camping Headquarters is a town unto itself, and its population exceeds that of Cimarron on most nights of the summer. Its primary facilities are: The CHQ Welcome Center, a large pavilion containing soda machines and picnic tables. It serves as a waiting area for crews arriving at or departing from the ranch, as ...

Welcome to Philmont! - Philmont Scout Ranch

    Philmont Camping Headquarters Map_____9 . 3 Mountain Trek Overview Mountain Treks are challenging backpacking expeditions that provide the opportunity to experience the rugged Sangre de Cristo Mountains of Philmont. Mountain Trek crews hike 20-40 miles into the backcountry where participants stay at several staffed camps that offer a variety of ...

Philmont Camping Headquarters : Logistical Centers ...

    Philmont Camping Headquarters. New Mexico, United States, North America. Isaiah. Add photos See all photos. 5452 Hits. 73.04 % Score. 7 Votes. Log in to vote. Philmont Scout Ranch.73%(7)

Facilities - Philmont Scout Ranch

    Camping Headquarters (Base Camp): You’ll spend your the the first night and last night of your Philmont adventure in base camp. Camp Resources: Resources such as drinking water and showers located throughout the backcountry. Philmont Spatial Data (GIS) ...

Philmont Scout Ranch - Google My Maps

    This map has been built by PlanPhilmont.com to help you prepare for your Philmont Trek. We hope it helps!

Philmont Training Center

    Philmont Camping Headquarters Map_____26 . 4 About Philmont Philmont Scout Ranch spans across 140,171 acres of challenging Scouting adventure among the mountains and mesas of northeastern New Mexico. Most of that land is part of two gifts from Oklahoma oilman, Waite Phillips, who donated it "for the purpose of perpetuating faith, self- ...

Contact Us - Philmont Scout Ranch

    Camping Headquarters For information about treks, cavalcade, and individual programs. Address: Philmont Scout Ranch Attn: CHQ 17 Deer Run Road Cimarron, NM 87714 Phone: (575) 376-2281 Fax: (575) 376-2636 Email: [email protected] Philmont Training Center For information about Training Center programs, conferences, and seasonal staff positions. Address: Philmont Scout …

Base Camp Philwiki Fandom

    Base Camp is the current center of all Philmont administration, succeeding the previous base camp, Ponil Camp. It contains Camping Headquarters, the Philmont Training Center and Villa Philmonte, the Seton Museum, the fire response facilities, the cattle headquarters, and the administration area. Camping Headquarters is a town unto itself, and its population exceeds that of Cimarron on most ...

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